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About Us

Founder and CEO of  Star Youth Talent

Janet Lewis

I am a youth coach with a heart and passion for unlocking potential within young people. I have worked within the Fashion, Coaching & Education industry for the past 15 years supporting the diverse needs of young people within London and the West Midlands. I am an energetic, motivated and an innovative visionary with the belief that I can inspire and impact the development of our future young leaders.

I facilitate coaching workshops, youth projects, creative arts events that develop potential and empower transformation. I am a qualified tutor, Youth Coach, Fashion Designer, Therapist & Counsellor.

I aim to positively inform all young people that their potential for greatness resides inside of them. Their life successes are not predetermined by demographics, nor limited by educational shortcomings, but can be achieved through striving for their goals, self belief and being proactive.

Therefore they are not defined by what society dictates, but by acknowledging they are their key to rising above mediocrity, becoming co-architects of their destiny and unlocking their vault of brilliance.

S.T.A.R Mission


S.T.A.R (Striving To Achieve Results) was established through facilitating interventions that integrate my skills within coaching/therapy, creative arts and youth work; to support, empower, engage and reach young people. STAR is recognised for delivering youth projects, creative arts events, coaching, life skills and workshops to reach a diverse range of young people to confidently participate within society. It aims to inspire and cultivate the gifts of young talent to achieve desired results. It provides a body of committed professional support to develop non-academic competencies and skills to support their learning, preparation and participation within industry.To educate, sustain and prepare young people for opportunities within today’s evolving global society; a diverse network of support, skills and interventions are needed to support them to manage the speed of change and maximise their potential. STAR is an innovative approach to bridging the gap between school, college, community and industry. It networks with a body of professionals, organizations and schools within the West Midlands borough to co facilitate extensive opportunities to develop young people.



The Benefits of STAR in the West Midlands

I am originally from the West Midlands, I would like to give back, offer my professional skills and expertise to the community. Youth unemployment is high; some schools are failing and have resulted to special measure status. Alternative Education opportunities such as STAR will equip, empower young people with professional support to achieve. Young people can take these transferable skills and energy into every aspect of their lives. STAR’s portfolio of services aim to impact the West Midlands reputation, as being recognised for producing a calibre of young people that can successfully achieve greatness.



© 2015 STAR Youth Talent


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