Aaron Fannell - Wolverhampton
I'm Aaron Fannell and I'm 15 years old. I've been dancing from the age of 8 and I learnt to dance in the living room manly, a few months later my mom saw I was serious and I joined transit trix, a local break dancing crew. I stayed there for quite a few years and when I was 13 I decides to leave. A few months later I then joined Dinah Js dance crew which to this present day I'm still there. They showed me how I could use my dance and make it better and mentored me and shaped me into the dancer I am now. Coming into the competition I didn't have much time to practise as I have been ill. I didn't really have a choreography made so I had to freestyle. Because of this I was very nervous because all the acts were extremely talented with amazing moves. As soon as I heard my name called I was so relieved and happy so to get through to the final. I didn't mind not coming 1st because the competition was amazing and the organisers appreciated your talent not where you finished. I think that star youth talent is a great place for youth to come together and show off their talent. It's also a great place to get experience of competitions and get tips on how to improve your skills.